Baseball Performance

Our Baseball Performance evaluation is designed to evaluate, analyze, and train an athlete's mobility, coordination, stability, and power during their hitting or pitching motions. With this information, Dr. Mitch Goldman can design a sport-specific strength and conditioning program for the player's baseball development and help them reach their goals.

Dr. Goldman is a certified professional in OnBase University Pitching and Hitting courses. His expertise in the biomechanics and kinematics of hitting and pitching motions allows him to analyze, train, and develop the athlete to reach their optimal performance in baseball or softball.

Schedule your evaulation today! Call (508) 234-7544 to set up an appointment, or e-mail

Package Cost
OnBaseU Evaluation $125
OnBaseU Monthly Exercise Programming $85/mo
OnBaseU Monthly Exercise Programming + Gym Membership $99/mo
OnBaseU Monthly Exercise Programming + Gym Membership + 1 day/wk 1-on-1 $330/mo
OnBaseU Monthly Exercise Programming + Gym Membership + 2 day/wk 1-on-1 $560/mo
OnBaseU Re-assessment $99
1 Training Session $75