Wellness Program


The objective of our Wellness Program is to keep people healthy, or "well". This program was developed with the intention of helping our physical therapy patients continue to progress and maintain their gains from formal physical therapy. By giving them the option of using the equipment they are familiar with, in a comfortable environment, we are hoping to them continue to maintaining their gains. These memberships are available at a discounted price at the conclusion of their formal physical therapy program and are available in 1, 6, and 12 month packages. Memberships are also available to other individuals (non-patients) that are looking for an opportunity to exercise in a comfortable setting to maintain their health and wellness. In today's healthcare environment, this is critical as the cost of medical treatment continues to rise, and has been shifted by the insurance companies to the patient. By investing in your health before you have to, you will be able to realize actual cost savings, making this program true "health care".

As a member of our Wellness Program, an individual is allowed access to work out on our fitness equipment. New members will be orientated to the equipment in a session that will be scheduled once the signup. Personal training will be available for those looking to get more help in establishing a program. Also for your convenience, there is a shower available for those trying to squeeze in a quick workout.

While our physical therapists are focused on treating our patients, when available, they may be able to answer a question or offer assistance if they observe exercises or activities that they feel could be improved, or may not be appropriate for you. At this point, we have found the program a great way to keep up with some of our "regulars."

We hope to see you soon!

Wellness Program Pricing
12 Month Membership 6 Month Membership 1 Month Membership
Discounted Regular Discounted Regular Discounted Regular
Membership Cost: $390.00 $415.00 $210.00 $220.00 $39.00 $41.00
Registration Fee: Waived Waived Waived $10.00 $20.00 $20.00
Total Due at Registration: $390.00 $415.00 $210.00 $230.00 $59.00 $61.00
Discounted memberships include: Patients, Linwood Mill residents, Senior citizens, Students

*Please note: The Registration fee is only applied for the first month or 6-month package.